Monday, October 31, 2011

wildlife park :)

as promised: pictures from the caversham wildlife park :)
I already said yesterday that these pictures were taken with sabrina's camera...
enjoy them ;)
caversham wildlife park :) 

nice shuttlebus!

womens toilets :)

mens toilets :) 


kangarooooos!! again ^^ they are actually becoming quite usual...

trying to get in there! :) 

yeay :D 

poor animals... they were lying around as if the'd been dead... :(

some were "alive" though ^^

hannah lying down in poo for a picture xD

the australian bush! :D 

again xD


so cute :) 

proof ;)


they sleep up to 20hrs a day.. and apart from that the eat! perfect lifestyle! :D 


i don't know any more what that animal was ^^

dingo :) 
it was a very nice day, although it was very hot!

oh and btw: my last-minute-costume for halloween ;)
ninja ;)
Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, if you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear!

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